Tag Archives: sitting inside my little office listening to the gentle patter of the raindrops on the roof. The meeting ended early today so I will have time to write a letter or two


Dear Doris,

Oh my God, I have missed you so much!! My heart is pounding so hard as i type this… you know when you want to go to the next sentence without finishing the one you are currently in? Yeah… that feeling!! 

its drizzling outside,  i am at the office now,  sitting inside my little office listening to the gentle patter of the raindrops on the roof. The meeting ended early today so I will have time to write a letter or two, yours being one of them. 

I love you Doris!!

on to less important things!! MY FUCKIN HOLIDAY!!!

Where do I start… 

There's nothing much to talk about really! Spent most of my holiday on the road!! Went to shagz for christmas… my shagz is not anywhere close-as in you can seeUranus very clearly from my back yard!! Its that far!! Its somewhere close to a bordering country… moving on!! So we drove to shagz for christmas… then my grandma passed away… then drove back to Nairobi to prepare for the funeral, then drove back like in 2 days… then we were sleeping in a different town from shagz… and we had to drive to shagz every morning and back !! if you have been following, you have probably realized that we were on the road 30% of the whole time!! 

So our holiday plans were cancelled because of the funeral… oh my days!!!

i am getting depressed as i write this, so i will stop here and strat a new letter without funerals and cancelled road trips!!

p.s- i have noticed that you dont know me well enough!! The next letter will help you out!!


What I have for you is great!!! Oh my Doris. 


Posted by on January 4, 2011 in Uncategorized


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